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Nov 29th, 2020
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  1. Warning = [[Yo youtubers, discord server owners and site owners the link to my script should be my product link from my website tech-brain.net nowhere else or I will shit on your reputation and copyright! also the link should be above any other links in the discription]]
  2. Credits = [[Discord Link : https://discord.gg/UjHTw7Q and also visit tech-brain.net for more products]]
  3. --Version 0.0.6
  4. --Put the script in autoexec if your exploit have it, free exploits don't usually.
  5. SETTINGS = {
  6. ['LoadTime'] = 15,--Defaut is 15 seconds when joining game, how many seconds you want to wait for your game to load, sometimes game break. After it rejoins you.
  7. ['Enable'] = true,--
  8. ['SpinningSlots'] = {
  9. ['Slot2'] = true,
  10. ['Slot4'] = false,
  11. ['Wanted_Genkais'] = {
  12. },
  13. ['Limited_Spins'] = 1,
  14. ['Farm_Candy'] = false,--Make this true if you want to farm candy for spins
  15. ['Farm_Candy_Spins_At'] = 1,--If spins lower or equal to this, farms candy
  16. ['Farm_Candy_Until'] = 6,--when farming candy, stop farming at 500 spins
  17. ['ServerHop'] = {
  18. ['VersionSnipe'] = false,
  19. ['Servers'] = {
  20. ['Server'] = 'Leaf',
  21. ['PublicServer'] = true,--if you want to use vip servers, make this fase
  22. ['VIP_Server_Code'] = ',--
  23. [2] = {
  24. ['PublicServer'] = true,--if you want to use vip servers, make this fase
  25. ['VIP_Server_Code'] = ',
  26. [3] = {
  27. ['PublicServer'] = true,--if you want to use vip servers, make this fase
  28. ['VIP_Server_Code'] = ',
  29. [4] = {
  30. ['PublicServer'] = true,--if you want to use vip servers, make this fase
  31. ['VIP_Server_Code'] = ',
  32. [5] = {
  33. ['PublicServer'] = true,--if you want to use vip servers, make this fase
  34. ['VIP_Server_Code'] = ',
  35. },
  36. local sCon = false
  37. returning = game:HttpGet((URL),true)
  38. end)
  39. if sCon ~= true then
  40. end
  41. if sCon ~= true and URL2 ~= nil then
  42. spawn(function()
  43. sCon2 = true
  44. for i = 1,30 do
  45. wait(0.1)
  46. end
  47. wait(1)
  48. end
  49. got = GetHttp('https://pastebin.com/raw/HXz7Pjg8','https://gist.githubusercontent.com/TechyBrain/cce7fea180136fbd01e6a615ea8b696b/raw/5c19340467dcf828590ee08816c78d4faaa067af/SL2_Spin_Farm')
RAW Paste Data

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Coin Master Baseball Champ Event Trick and Rewards List

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Today coin master game update new event “Baseball Champ Event”. This event is activating time 98 hours and 4 days visible all coin master game player. Baseball champ event many people toll 15 symbols event and 15 mix symbols event.

Baseball champ event there are three levels to collect baseball points. The first level is the hit 1 symbol and collects 2 baseball points. The second level is to play a coin master game and gets 2 symbols to collect 5 baseball points. The third level is to play a coin master game and hit 3 symbols to collect 15 baseball points.


Big Swing Tournament Coin Master

Coin master game today there is three new event update in all coin master player game. The first event is the “Attack Madness Home Run Event” and activating time is 72 hours. The second event is a tournament name “Big Swing Tournament” and activates time is 12 hours.

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Coin Master Attack Madness Bunny Battle Event Tricks and Rewards List

Today coin master game update new event “Attack Madness Bunny Battle Event”. Attack madness bunny battle event giving many rewards gifts to complete your village and this event is activating time 74 hours.

Coin master attack madness bunny battle event are diving three parts to collect attack points. The first part is to hit one symbol attack and collects one attack point. The second part is hit 2 symbols attack and collects 2 attack points. The third part is hit 3 symbols attack and collects 4 attack points. Bet higher to get more attack points. Collect 7 attack points to win 65 spins.


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Coin Master New Event Golden Egg Hunt Event Tricks

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Coin master game today update there are 3 events and one event is a new event and second two event is an old event. Coin master today update new event name is “Golden Egg Hunt Event”. This event is activating 94 hours and collects free spins and coins big rewards.

Golden egg hunt event there are three parts to collect egg points. The first part is to hit 1 symbol and collects 2 egg points. The second part is to hit 2 symbols and collects 4 egg points. The third part is hit 3 symbols and collects 12 egg points.

Coin Master Rabbit Race Event Tricks

Today coin master game update a new event “Rabbit Race Event”. Rabbit race event is activating time is 94 hours visible. Play coin master game with rabbit race event to collect free spins, coins, and XP. Rabbit race events are diving into three parts to collect rabbit points.